祝! 中山凌君 論文出版!

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Nakayama R., Sasaki T., Nakano, T. (2017) Molecular analysis reveals a new cryptic species in a limpet Lottia kogamogai (Patellogastropoda: Lottiidae) from Japan.  Zootaxa 4277 (2): 237–251.  DOI.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4277.2.4

Abstract.- A group of small lottiid species in Japan, the Lottia kogamogai complex, was phylogenetically analyzed based on the mitochondrial COI gene. As a result, L. kogamogai is subdivided into two geographic clades. Lottia kogamogai s.s. is limited to southern temperate Japan. The northern population formerly considered an intraspecific variation of the species is shown to be a distinct new species, here described as Lottia goshimai n. sp. The new species is distinguishable from L.
kogamogai not only genetically, but in radular morphology and shell sculpture.

この研究で新種として記載されたLottia goshimai の種小名は、さきごろ定年退職された五嶋聖二 北海道大学名誉教授に献名されています。五嶋先生は、中山君が学部時代の4年生に所属していた北海道大学水産学のラボの教授、すなわちかつての恩師にあたります。
