Asian Marine Biology Symposium の歴史。 その3

posted by AA

From the web-page of First Asian Marine Biology Symposium©

主催者によるScope of the symposium

  In Asian countries, marine ecosystems have supported demands for various natural resources including food, and contributed to forming the basic structure of the society of each country. In the near future, conservation and proper development of marine ecosystems will become more important social issues for ensuring the sustainability of our regional societies. Recently, increasing numbers of researchers are examining marine biology and ecology that deal with various aquatic organisms in Asian countries. However, we have limited opportunities to exchange critical information, and discuss future research. Here, we propose to hold an academic symposium in Phuket, Thailand between 13 and 17 of December in 2012, aiming at exchanging information of the most recent achievements of the research in the basic fields of science, marine biology and ecology, and promoting these sciences among Asian countries.

From the web-page of First Asian Marine Biology Symposium©

Dec. 14 (Fri.) Symposium at Cape Panwa Hotel

Symposium venue: Conference Room
8:30 to 9:30:Registration
9:30 to 10:00:Opening address
*** Coffee break ***

Oral session
10:40 to 12:20
Session A1-1 Biology and ecology of benthic animals part I
Session B1-1 Biology and ecology of microalgae
*** Lunch ***
13:40 to 15:40
Session A1-2 Biology and ecology of benthic animals part II
Session B1-2 Biology and ecology of seagrass and algae
*** Coffee break ***
16:00 to 17:40
Session A1-3 Biology and ecology of benthic animals part III

Poster session (18:00 to 21:00)

Photos by Aki Tsutsumi with permission from FACEBOOK “The 1st Asian Marine Biology Symposium”
