Asian Marine Biology Symposium(その1)開会式 基調講演 AMBS功労賞授賞式

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Asian Marine Biology Symposium @熊本 に参加しました。この Symposium は今回で第三回目を迎えます。創始者は熊本県立大学の堤裕昭氏(日本ベントス学会の会長でもある)、タイのカセサート大学のChittima Aryuthaka女史、韓国の仁川大学の Jae-Sang Hong氏です。アジア全域の海洋生物学の研究者が集まる素晴らしい学会です。


 「 In Asian countries, marine ecosystems are familiar to our lives, and have supported demands for various natural resources including food, and contributed to forming the basic structure of the society of each country. The conservation and proper development of the marine ecosystems are becoming more important social issues for ensuring the sustainability of our regional societies. Recently, increasing numbers of researchers are examining marine biology and ecology that deal with various aquatic organisms in Asian countries. However, we have limited opportunities to exchange critical information and discuss future research.
   Here, we started to hold an academic symposium that dealt with various fields of the scientific studies related to marine organisms in Phuket, Thailand between 13 and 17 of December in 2012. We aim at exchanging information of the most recent achievements of the research not only in the basic fields of marine biology and ecology, and environmental sciences, but also fisheries that develop in the coastal ecosystem, and promoting these sciences among Asian countries. This symposium has been held among Asian countries every two years. The second symposium was held in Jeju, Korea, between 1 and 3 of October in 2014.
   In 2017, The third symposium is held in Kumamoto, Japan, between 3 and 5 November.」


初日は開会式、基調講演、Asian Marine Biology Symposium 賞の授賞式が行われました。

左は熊本県立大学の堤裕昭氏 AMBSの創始者。現在の日本ベントス学会の会長
韓国の仁川大学の Jae-Sang Hong氏の基調講演
Asian Marine Biology Symposium 賞を受け取る韓国の仁川大学の Jae-Sang Hong氏(中央)と北海道大学の今井 一郎氏(右)