2017(平成29)年08月27日に、岡山大学で開催された国際シンポジウムにおいて、瀬戸臨海実験所で研究されている、理学研究科生物科学専攻 修士2年の戸川 優弥子氏および中野 智之助教が優秀発表賞を受賞しました。
Ms. Yumiko Togawa(Master of Graduate School of Science) and Dr. Tomoyuki Nakano(Assistant Professor) were awarded the Award for Exploratory Molluscan Research at International Symposium ‘Multidisciplinary Explorations into molluscan diversity and evolution’ held at Okayama University on August 27, 2017.
“The Cryptic Diversity in Aplysia parvula.”
Yumiko Togawa, Rie Nakano, Tomoyuki Nakano.
Aplysia parvula is a small-sized species in the group of sea hare. The species is known to have a cosmopolitan distribution. The color of their body, tentacles, foot, tale and white spots are extremely variable. The molecular analyses clearly show that several species are concealed under the name Aplysia parvula.
