Prevalence and parasitic effect of the bopyrid Megacepon goetici on the varunid crab Gaetice depressus in Hirokawa Beach, Wakayama, Japan/和歌山県西広海岸におけるヒライソガニエラムシが宿主ヒライソガニに与える影響
Jonel M. Corral 助教(ARASOF-Nasugbu, Batangas State University, Philippine)
Bopyrid isopod was known to infest decapods such as shrimp and crabs. This study elucidates the effects of infestation by the bopyrid isopod Megacepon goetici on the varunid crab Gaetice depressus collected in Hirokawa Beach, Wakayama, Prefecture. G. depressus is one of the most common crabs in Japanese intertidal shores and it plays a key role in structuring the benthic community. From the collected sampled of 1694 crabs, 61 (3.6%) were parasitized by bopyrid isopods. No ovigerous females were parasitized, which may be evidence of parasitic castration of female host crabs, as has been described in other parasitized brachyuran crabs. Total weight was reduced in both males and females, and infested crabs also exhibited subtle lateral and dorsal carapace swelling due to the presence of parasites under the carapace. We therefore conclude that the morphology and the reproductive capacity of G. depressus were significantly affected by the bopyrid isopod.
(エビヤドリムシ科等脚類はエビやカニなどの十脚目甲殻類に寄生する。和歌山県西広海岸にて、ヒライソガニに寄生するヒライソガニエラムシに着目し、寄生率や形態、重量など寄生状況について調査した結果を紹介する。また、現在フィリピンで進行中の海洋生物多様性把握に関するプロジェクトについても紹介する )
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