International symposium on evolutionary biology of parasitic and symbiotic relationships between mollusks and crustaceans
Date: April 15 (Sat) 2017
Place: Grand Hall Miyabi in Hotel Seamore, Shirahama, Wakayama
Opening speech by Akira Asakura (Kyoto Univ., Japan) and Kenji Okoshi (Toho Univ., Japan)
Oliver Trottier, Andrew Jeffs◯ (Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand)
“The dangerous mating game of the New Zealand pea crab”
Ryutaro Goto (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
“Living together with crustaceans: Evolution and adaptation of symbiotic mollusks”
Emiliano H. Ocampo (Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina)
“Crustaceans as inhabitants of molluscan hosts: from commensal guests to body-snatchers”
(14:55–15:05 Break time)
Gyo Itani (Kochi Univ., Japan)
“Parasitic ecology of Peregrinamor ohshimai associated with upogebiid shrimps”
J. Antonio Baeza (Clemson Univ., South Carolina, USA)
“The private sex life of crustaceans symbiotic with molluscs: Model systems in behavioural ecology”
Noriko Yasuoka◯, Yoichi Yusa (Nara Women’s Univ., Japan)
“Effects of a crustacean parasite and a hyperparasite on the oyster Saccostrea kegaki“
Tetsuya Watanabe◯ (Nishinomiya Shell Museum, Japan), Yasuhisa Henmi (Kumamoto Univ., Japan)
“Life history of the commensal pea crab Arcotheres sp. living in the bivalve Barbatia virescens“