International Symposium on Barnacle Biology at Seto MBL 2014
Date: June 9 (Mon) 2014
Place: Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University, Shirahama, Wakayama
Yoichi Yusa (Nara Women’s Univ.)
“Feeding specialization in barnacles”
Maki Nakamura (Nara Women’s Univ.)
“Development of microsatellite markers in Scalpellum stearnsii using a next-generation sequencer”
Hendry Wijayanti (Nara Women’s Univ.)
“Plastic sexual expression in the androdioecious barnacle Octolasmis warwickii, with some notes on larval rearing”
Kota Sawada (Sokendai)
“Dwarf males in a symbiotic barnacle Octolasmis unguisiformis and their implications to sexual system evolution”
Keiju Okano (Akita Pref. Univ.)
“Next generation sequencing approaches for barnacle studies”
Jens T. Høeg (Univ. of Copenhagen)
“Position of Cirripedia in the Thecostraca: Phylogeny and character evolution”
Benny K. K. Chan (Academia Sinica)
“Intertidal barnacles in the Indo-Pacific: Cryptic diversity, phylogeography & climate change”
Ryota Hayashi (Seikai Natn. Fish. Res. Inst.)
“Beautiful illustrations: barnacle ecology from historical records and field research”
Ryusuke Kado (Kitasato Univ.)
“A new alien barnacle Perforatus perforates in northeast Honshu, Japan and its range expansion in relation to the Great East Japan Earthquake”
Hiromi Watanabe (JAMSTEC)
“Biogeography of deep-sea hydrothermal vent barnacles”
Shigeyuki Yamato (Kyoto Univ.)
“Dwarf males in symbiotic pedunculate barnacles”
Sachi Yamaguchi (Kanagawa Univ.)
“Evolution of sex determination and sexually dimorphic larval sizes in parasitic barnacles”
Ryuta Yoshida (Ryukyu Univ.)
“Undescribed Peltogasterella sp. recorded from Okinawa Island, and its life cycle”
Mark J. Grygier (Lake Biwa Museum) , Mieko Komatsu, Takayuki Ito (formerly Toyama Univ.), and Hiroyuki Tachikawa (Natural History Museum, Chiba)
“Recent findings on Dendrogaster and Petrarca (Ascothoracida) parasitic in Japanese seastars and deepwater corals”